

This is my initial foray into the world of blogging. Here, as the title suggests, I'll discuss those things that occupy me mind, body and soul.

Life - My wife, my kids, parents, family and friends. What it means to be from Pittsburgh, and basically the triumphs and travails of a U.S. citizen swept up by the ever blowing winds of change in today's Information Age.

The Universe - From the beauty of a Luna moth in my shrubbery; to the majestic photos from the Hubble Telescope, whose images force us to come face to face both with our insignificance, as well the incredible splendor of the Universe around us; to the physical, philosophical and ethical implications such discoveries as the Higgs-Bosun particle may, and will, have on today's world, as I see it.

and the Pittsburgh Steelers - I'm a product of the Pittsburgh Diaspora, and damn proud of it. The Steelers, and the Rooney family represent the quiet dignity, work ethic, and basic goodness of the people of Pittsburgh, and have done so since 1933. No other organization, in the sports world or otherwise, better represents, honors, and carries forth proudly the basic essence and traditions of the people of its birthplace, than the Pittsburgh Steelers

In no small part, and in no particular order, I dedicate my musings to be found herein to my Wife, my Family, and the People of Pittsburgh, for without all of them, I would not be who I am today. The comments, thoughts and opinions contained herein are solely my own, with all faults or blame laid only at my own feet.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

A Letter to my Son, going to College

Dear R.:
                Words cannot begin to convey how proud of you I am, and how excited I am at this, the beginning of your college career.  You are embarking on one of the most exciting and important periods of your life.  You are truly striking out on your own, to discover new worlds, and new aspects of yourself.  It is with some trepidation that I see you off, for when you return you will no longer be the little boy whose smile brightened my life every single day, over whom I watched protectively, guarding your every movement (whether you realized it or not), controlling your environment while at the same time reveling in sharing with you your discovery of the world around you.

                Instead, you will be returning a young man who has gone out on his own, to create his own future; you will be experiencing the joys and heartaches, the struggles, hard work, temptations and successes you face without me there to protect you.  And because you must face these things alone, for that is what we all must face if we are to grow and mature into our full potential, I leave you with these words:

                Be true to yourself; for you are a kind and decent person.  Listen to your inner voice, let it guide you.  Your parents have taught you the difference between right and wrong, and though the temptations may be great, if you stay true to yourself, you cannot do wrong.  This is the time in your life that YOU define who you are, what you like, don’t like, who you want to be associated with, how you want to be known and remembered.  You have grown up so far with a sense of decency and sensitivity that is highly commendable, and to which others are attracted.  Do not suppress who you are to fit in with others; let your true self shine forth and those worth being with will reciprocate.

                Allow yourself to feel;  do not be afraid to feel and show emotion.  Fear not the reactions nor opinions of those around you, for those who ridicule such do so out of fear.  Allow what moves you, what inspires passion, sadness, or joy, into your heart and express it.  For by giving voice and action to what stirs within you, you set yourself free.  Do not restrain emotion because it “isn’t masculine”, or “cool”; embrace it and in doing so feel the power of life around you.

                Take chances: embrace risk, but do so with knowledge of the consequences and with forethought.  Whether it be skydiving, asking out the hottest, most popular girl, or falling in love, if you don’t risk pain or failure, you will never truly appreciate your successes.  Life is bittersweet, and you will fail at some things, you will be rejected, or not come in first.  But you will also succeed at things, many of them those that you failed at first, you will fall in love, you will come in first.  But only if you take the chance in the first place.

                Be tolerant; accept and embrace differences in those around you.  Venture beyond what is comfortable, beyond “sameness”, for you never know when, from whom, or from where you will discover something new, either about yourself, or something that inspires you.

                NEVER FORGET; that your whole family loves and supports you.  That many miles may separate us, but our thoughts and prayers are with you always; that you are NEVER alone.  Take comfort and strength in this, that you always have home to come back to, that there are many, many people who love you.  With this as your foundation, nothing is impossible.

                I give you these words, my son, not with sadness or sense of loss, but with joy and pride.  As you move forward with your life, I look forward to sharing it with you, and will always treasure the memories of our times past.  Go forth, challenge the world and yourself, and treasure this time of your life.


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